기사 메일전송
[Daily Today] CellPoint Digital Secures $25 Million Investment to Boost Global Expansion and Entry Into New Markets
  • 기사등록 2022-01-06 19:04:15
기사수정 (조회수:940건)   

The equity funding round is provided by Toscafund and its private equity arm, Penta Capital, and will be used to extend CellPoint’s global reach and penetrate new market verticals.


CellPoint Digital, a leading global provider of digital commerce and payment solutions, today announced an equity financing round of $25M provided by Toscafund and its private equity arm, Penta Capital, to build on a series of major successes in recent years.


The move follows a series of investments by Toscafund and Penta Capital into CellPoint Digital following their initial investment in 2019 and brings their total investment to over $56M. It also marks a strengthening of the relationship between the businesses. As a market leader in payment orchestration for travel, CellPoint Digital is now offering its platform to new markets including retail, gaming, crypto and digital content.


By orchestrating payments across regions and payment methods, CellPoint Digital allows merchants to adopt a multi-acquirer payments model that opens up new opportunities for growth. CellPoint Digital helps increase top-line revenue utilizing intelligent routing, increasing authorizations, and providing system uptime transparency, and reduces the operation cost of accepting cross border payments. CellPoint Digital also adds value at checkout by delivering a frictionless payment experience, presenting customers with the payment methods they want to use, no matter where they are in the world.


Kristian Gjerding, CEO at CellPoint Digital said: “The past few years have seen extraordinary growth for CellPoint Digital. We continue to experience strong demand from a range of enterprises wishing to optimise their digital payment and commerce solutions, while countering the major challenges they face with existing providers to deliver quickly and cost-efficiently.”


“With a business foundation that is stronger than it’s ever been, the logical next step is to widen our global reach and penetrate new market verticals that stand to be transformed by our solutions.”


Steven Scott, Founding Partner of Penta Capital, said: “We are delighted to finance this next stage of CellPoint Digital’s expansion. The company continues to solve the most critical problem that businesses face today: the optimization of a customer’s entire path to purchase across all their digital channels.”


“Based on winning key new clients, and with the aggressive growth strategy and penetration into new sectors, we see yet another compelling growth opportunity and look forward to working together with CellPoint Digital’s experienced management team to support this new phase of development.”


Echoing the thoughts of Penta Capital, Paul Glover, CFO at CellPoint Digital: “Our expansion plan is exciting, and we are thrilled to partner with Penta Capital once again to further accelerate our company’s development.”


“Toscafund have a great track record of investing in high-growth companies and their commitment is testament to our market traction and growth potential by delivering high ROI digital solutions. The new investment will enable us to further scale our team globally as well as drive additional innovation into our unique platform.”



Bo Kyung SHIN


<저작권자 © 데일리투데이, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

기사수정 (조회수:940건)   

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