기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-10-30 12:18:35
기사수정 (조회수:1,902건)   

To coincide with the opening of Nordstrom’s first New York flagship on 57th Street, Burberry has become the first fashion house to take over the store’s concept space with a giant bespoke immersive installation spanning five rooms.


Located at the entrance of 57th street and Broadway, the Burberry installation is open until the end of December 2019 and includes:

An immersive room dedicated to the Thomas Burberry Monogram with the signature house code of interlocking TB initials adorning the floors, ceiling and walls.


A theatre echoing Burberry’s Autumn / Winter 2019 runway show space, with wood paneled walls and raised seating. Pieces from the runway collection are also displayed on floating bust forms.


A raw, industrial space with cardboard building blocks contrasting with silver and gold mirrored cubes, with rectangular shapes covered in the Thomas Burberry Monogram packaging tape.


The windows of the concept shop which form a blank canvas for visitors to illustrate and decorate, inspired by the house’s Bond Street store in London.


A café, inspired by Burberry’s all-day café, Thomas’s, in London. The café features Nick Knight’s Portrait of a Rose print throughout and offers a menu of British classics including a traditional English breakfast, fish and chips as well as bread and butter pudding.


The dedicated Burberry space features a curated selection of products by Nordstrom’s VP of Creative Projects Olivia Kim from the Autumn / Winter 2019 collection, Tempest, alongside the Thomas Burberry Monogram collection, the Spring / Summer 2020 pre-collection and Monogram motif products including T-shirts, hoodies and accessories.


bo kyoung, SHIN


<저작권자 © 데일리투데이, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

기사수정 (조회수:1,902건)   

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