기사 메일전송
[DailyToday] International Experts Invited to Attend Riyadh’s Sustainable City Symposium
  • 기사등록 2019-10-16 12:42:56
  • 기사수정 2019-10-16 12:44:50
기사수정 (조회수:1,135건)   

The Royal Commission for Riyadh City (RCRC), formally known as Riyadh Development Authority, has invited international experts to participate in a Symposium setting out the next chapter in Riyadh’s development as a sustainable city, one that will enhance the lives of its citizens, while finding solutions to the difficult challenges facing all cities across the world today.

‘Riyadh’s Sustainable Future’ Symposium will take place on November 12 & 13, 2019 in Riyadh and will focus on four of the capital’s most ambitious projects, launched by King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and stemming from an initiative from Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the Crown Prince.

These four projects are transformative and will help to establish Riyadh as one of the most livable cities in the world.

King Salman Park promises to be the largest green city park in the world; Sports Boulevard will be a state-of-the-art new health and wellness destination in the heart of the city; Green Riyadh will focus on planting 7.5 million trees all over the city; and Riyadh Art will delight art lovers with its 1,000 curated art pieces, iconic installations and annual arts festival through its world-class interactive public arts program.

The Symposium will invite discussion across a variety of subject areas, including climate change; sustainable urban development; conservation of the natural environment; critical resource management; energy conservation, production and management; legal frameworks and initiatives to support positive change; and transformative social activation.

The four projects complement Saudi Vision 2030’s ‘Quality of Life’ Program and are aligned with the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, to create sustainable cities and communities, while driving urgent action against climate change.

Professor David Griggs, an expert in sustainable city planning, who will be attending the Symposium, commented: “The challenge of transforming a rapidly growing city in the desert into a sustainable, responsible, and inspiring place to live is enormous. The world’s largest urban parks, 7.5 million trees to green the city, a 135 km sports corridor and more than 1,000 pieces of public art, are just four of the projects that will transform the city. The ‘Riyadh’s Sustainable Future’ Symposium will bring together some of the world’s leading experts to provide their wisdom and advice for these projects and, in doing so, help Riyadh towards a future its citizens and the world can be proud of.”

For Riyadh and its citizens, the ultimate goal is to create a more sustainable city and a thriving, active community in the long term, while acting against climate change concerns. This Symposium is an important step in achieving that goal.

bo kyoung, SHIN


<저작권자 © 데일리투데이, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

기사수정 (조회수:1,135건)   

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