기사 메일전송
PVH Corp. Names Cheryl Abel-Hodges Chief Executive Officer of Calvin Klein, Inc.
  • 기사등록 2019-06-12 09:14:31
  • 기사수정 2019-06-21 15:27:24
기사수정 (조회수:486건)   

▲ photo: PVH Corp

PVH Corp. [NYSE:PVH], one of the world’s largest apparel companies and owner of iconic brands, including CALVIN KLEIN, TOMMY HILFIGER, Van Heusen, Speedo, and IZOD, announced today that Cheryl Abel-Hodges is the new Chief Executive Officer of Calvin Klein.

Abel-Hodges previously had served as Group President, Calvin Klein North America and The Underwear Group. In her new role, she reports to Stefan Larsson, PVH President.

Steve Shiffman, formerly CEO, is leaving the company to pursue other interests.

“I have great confidence that Cheryl is the right person to lead the CALVIN KLEIN brand. Her strong management abilities, together with her consistent track record for operational excellence, will provide strong direction for the Calvin Klein team,” said Emanuel Chirico, Chairman and CEO, PVH Corp. “I believe this leadership change, coupled with our incredible management teams around the world, will allow us to capture the brand’s long-term growth potential.”

Chirico added, “I want to thank Steve for his many contributions to PVH, which included leading our Calvin Klein and Heritage Brands retail businesses, as well as playing a key role in growing the CALVIN KLEIN brand as CEO.”

Since joining PVH in 2006, Abel-Hodges has held various leadership positions across the organization. As Group President Calvin Klein North America, she helped set the strategic direction for the CALVIN KLEIN brand, driving a consumer-centric approach. Within The Underwear Group, Abel-Hodges led the development of PVH’s innovative underwear platform, overseeing design, merchandising, product development and planning for all of PVH’s underwear and women’s intimates businesses.

In Beom, KANG


<저작권자 © 데일리투데이, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

기사수정 (조회수:486건)   

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